Journeys Converge

Laser-cut galvanized steel is used to celebrate Darwin Harbour, its people and its history. It is an interpretation and reconstruction of the shapes, forms and lines that are found within the landscape. It’s a kind of ‘joie-de-vivre’ for a place that had a long history of alluring many different people with differing intentions.

The artwork contains historical reference to Lt. Stokes, Charles Darwin (the city’s namesake) and the journeys of the many travellers and immigrants who have discovered Darwin for themselves.

The artwork itself is intended to be a poetic voyage of discovery, offering layers of discovery and interest.

The various forms of sailing ships symbolise the journey of each of our individual lives and how, for whatever reason, culture or history, this has enabled us to converge at this unique, diverse and intriguing place.

The alluring nature of Darwin Harbour, its beauty, diversity and history, have been transposed into this artwork. And the more one cares to look, the more one will see.

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